Lowe's of Augusta Donated:
RTIC Outdoors Ultra-Tough Navy 45-Quart Insulated Chest Cooler
Masterbuilt 200-Sq in Black Portable Charcoal Grill
Royal Oak Super-Size Ridge Charcoal Briquets - 10lb Bag for High Heat Grilling and Low & Slow Smoking
Cowboy Hickory Chips
Char-Broil Aspire Stainless Steel Spatula
Sweet Rub O'Mine 12.5-oz All Purpose Seasoning Blend
This fantastic grill and cooler are the perfect things to bring camping or tailgating. The RTIC cooler will keep your food cold for hours.
The only way to win is o go to the Sam Sessler Summer Silent Auction.
Androscoggin Yacht Club
July 27th
$25 for advance tickets
$35 at the door
With each ticket you will receive:
Maine Cup of Joe
Maine Baked Good
10 Bid Tickets
Additional bid tickets can be purchased at the event.*
All proceeds go to the Sam Sessler Foundation. Nurture the Ability!